Student Testimonials

Every day, employees of WSU are met by students overcoming challenges in their personal lives, persevering in the classroom even with a learning disability, among other things. The students you see below are just a few of the students our staff has had the pleasure of working with.

We would like to showcase WSU’s brightest and most talented Cougs and highlight their financial aid stories. A student’s financial situation during their college career will probably one of their first big hurdles in life. But through their stories, you will learn just how important their financial aid awards are to them and how these awards are helping them achieve their academic and future career goals.

Our staff, on a daily basis, provide current and prospective WSU students, and their families, with the highest level of individualized guidance and support. We want to make sure that a student’s financial situation is not a huge burden to them; that they are well informed about WSU’s Financial Aid process and that they are provided with the tools so they can understand and manage their finances. Student Financial Services looks forward to working with you in the future.

Joel Padilla

… is a first generation student, student mentor, and has dreams of one day working in the hotel industry. Without financial aid, Joel would not be able to reach his dreams. Watch the video to hear his story.

Marissa Chukwu

… is a first generation, Zoology—Pre-Medicine student originally from New York City. She was 17 upon her arrival at WSU and found the university system to be a bigger change from high school than she had originally thought. What struggles has she overcome in her young life thus far? How has WSU and financial aid helped her overcome these struggles while allowing her to pursue her dreams? Watch her video to find out!

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